Thu 2nd Feb 2017
19.30 £7.00-£10.00

A View From The Edge

When the noir world meets our world

A play by ‘Owdyado Theatre


Concern grows in the city’s art circles after George Hillerman –owner of the popular Hillerman gallery, went missing under mysterious circumstances.

The gallery, which Hillerman runs with his wife Elsie, has just unveiled its new Expressionist exhibition, the jewel in the crown being the famous “View from the Edge” painted by Charles Farber

At The Theatre

This week, the city is pleased to welcome ‘Owdyado Theatre (pronounced “how-do- you-do”). The company is known for making work about people who find themselves in unexpected situations; from which everyday philosophical dilemmas arise. Their shows are amusing, thought-provoking, and always
contain a surprising plot twist!

The company say that their new theatre show is influenced by classic playwright Pirandello but also many motion pictures. Co-Artistic directors Dan and Charlotte say “our new show is our most ambitious yet. We don’t want to give too much away but essentially the play aims to fuse two storylines from different realities to the point where the audience will have to decide which one is real”. Exciting stuff!

‘Owdyado’s previous theatre plays include About a Bench (Ten stories, One Bench, One hour),Wrongdoings and Wake Up Calls at the Stop-Off Motel (black comedy-mystery set in Las Vegas) and Above Bored (a psychological drama about two disgruntled office workers suspected of murdering their boss).

Don’t miss this exciting company while they’re in town!
