
Sat 21st Oct 2017
19:30 £8.00 / £5.00

Tiverton Town Band

‘A Little Help From Our Friends’

Guest conductor – John Fitton B.Mus(hons), MSc, LLCM. PGCE

The Town Band is probably the longest established musical group in the town. Members of the band will be joined by friends from other local brass bands to put on this concert in aid of Cancer Research, in support of local mum Leah Gale, daughter of their principal Euphonium player Mandy. Read a personal letter from Mandy below.

Leah’s story has been followed by many as she has shared her personal journey of her battle with breast cancer, on her blog ‘Mummy’s Lump’ – Facebook: @mummyslump

The band will be supported by the Tiverton Salvation Army Songsters and Timbrels.


‘A Little Help From My Friends’

Cancer is an awful disease that affects so many people. This year we, as a family, were affected when our daughter was diagnosed with Breast Cancer aged 28. Initially we wondered how we were going to get through this. But Leah was determined that it wasn’t going to beat her and as best as she could she was going to fight it every step of the way. Instead of it getting her down she used her diagnosis as an opportunity to raise awareness of Breast Cancer by using social media and created a Blog page that talked about what she was going through, how she was feeling and how her little family were coping.

One of the most amazing thing for us as parents was the support that she and her family received from her wonderful group of friends. They helped with the everyday things of the school run, going out for coffee and taking her to exercise classes!!!

Another thing was the fantastic support that we received from our friends as well as being drawn into Leah’s friendship group, I thank them for not allowing me to stand to one-side on my own when collecting the grand-children from school.

Then there were the fabulous Consultants, Nurses and Surgeons at the RD&E Wonford without whose skill and patience, guidance and support this journey would have been much tougher. Another group that needs mentioning is FORCE and there are other groups like them, that make waiting for and having treatment that bit more bearable by offering drinks and food at reasonable prices, as well as arranging for beauticians to come in and help women to see how to do their make-up while undergoing treatment.

Leah has had great results so far and we are positively look forward thanks to all the help from our friends!

We would like to thank Tiverton Town Band for putting on this concert to help raise funds for Cancer charities because without financial support these groups would not be able to do the great work they currently do.


Tickets £8.00 adults / £5.00 under 16s
All proceeds to Cancer awareness charities.