
Sat 23rd Mar 2019
19:30 £10.00 / £8.00


A Play on Words

Middle-Weight Theatre Company presents:

John Chesterton works in a world where political correctness is paramount.

Fear of offending an increasingly sensitive populous is widespread, and any language deemed inappropriate or discriminatory is strictly forbidden by the company heads.

Rapidly, words vanish and phraseology begins to disappear from people’s vocabulary, consigned unceremoniously to the company’s ‘no’ list.

While all around him conform, John seems to be the only one asking: if this censoring continues, will he soon be inhabiting a world where there is nothing left to say?


*Strong language may (or may not) be used in this production.


“Scarily close to reality!”
“Ridiculously funny!”
“Extraordinary writing”
“Current, hilarious and so so clever!”